Category Archives: Uncategorized

CERN turns 60 and the value of basic research

Posted on by Jerry Mahoney

On Sept. 29, CERN will mark its 60th anniversary, celebrating “60 years of science for peace.” CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) is perhaps the world’s most prominent monument to basic research and is famously the home of Large Hadron … Continue reading

Quelle communication pour l’Internet des Objets (IoT) ?

Posted on by Amélie Ravier

On ne présente plus la révolution engagée par l’Internet des Objets. Souvent comparée à l’avènement d’Internet au début des années 2000, elle est parfois moquée ou accueillie d’un haussement d’épaule, tant votre interlocuteur n’en a cure ou n’y comprend rien. … Continue reading

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  • "The Mahoney Lyle team has worked with Leti for several years on projects and programs ranging from our annual report to ongoing public relations. We value the consistent quality, communications expertise and attention to detail they bring to our relationship, and their familiarity with technology makes our job easier.  "

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